♪ Pa-pum ♪
Miyana, can I trust you?
Yes, my Queen. You can trust me with anything.
We're running out of time!
We need to get to that little brown island and free Aaravos
if we want to keep my dad alive!
Claudia, no! Turn back!
The wave, it will swallow you up!
The prison is right there,
precisely in the middle of the Sea of the Castout!
We have everything we need.
We're just about... there.
you have to help me.
I fear I'm... losing everything.
Losing my mind.
Zubeia, my love...
Oh, it feels so good to hear your voice again,
to see your face.
I miss you!
I need you.
Oh, what's happened?
You're hurt.
A scratch a mere nothing!
But it festers...
Oh! I can feel my very being shattering from the inside out!
You must find help.
I can't. I have no strength left.
Perhaps if I let go, I can be with you again?
You must find strength and life.
You must do this for Azymondias.
I need to be strong.
For you, Avizandum, and for Zym.
So we're finally here,
the Sea of the Castout.
Now we just need to find Aaravos's magic prison before the bad guys do.
What if Claudia and Viren...
what if they beat us here?
They were a step ahead of us, they're always a step ahead.
One step ahead is okay.
Because Domina Profundis told me something they don't know,
the secret of the prison.
The brown island, where is it?
We're here but this doesn't make any sense.
The map says there's supposed to be a brown island
right in the middle of the sea.
Yup, brown island, this is where it should be.
And we're just in time, barely.
This is Day 30.
- The day the resurrection spell expires... - Shh!
But, yes.
We have to find Aaravos today so we can save my dad.
- But no brown island! - Hmm...
Uh, Claudia?
You know how we got this map out of the dragon's mouth?
Yeah, it was amazing. You saved the day Terr-bear.
Well, um, I suspect the brown island
may not be what it seems...
The brown island may just be a piece of "goonk"
from between the dragon's teeth.
Yup. Goonk.
If there's no brown island, where is Aaravos' prison?
- Does this mean the map is wrong? - No, the map is right.
The prison must be down there. Deep underwater.
I know just the thing.
But first we need to catch a purple pentapus.
- So the prison's at the bottom of the sea? - Yup.
That explains why Archmage Akiyu gave me this.
She enchanted the amulet with a spell that lets you breathe underwater.
Only one amulet... so only one of us can go down there.
Uh, unless...
I might be able to use these runes without the amulet,
and that means we could all go down.
The principle is the same as the "mage wings" spell.
Only in this case, it's more like "mage gills."
I don't feel anything? Am I supposed to feel something?
Well, only one way to see if it works.
Rayla, are you okay?
I'll be fine, I just...
I couldn't do it.
- I... I'm getting out. - No.
I can't go but you have to. You and Ezran can do this.
You and me?
We have a different important mission. We're on dragon-sitting duty.
And Bait-sitting duty.
One drop, two drops, come on, don't make me squeeze you out...
Are you mixing the pentapus ink with your own blood?
It's a spell, Terry, not a pudding recipe.
It's ready.
We've come a long way, Dad.
And I know this is hard on you but hang on.
We're almost there.
I'm so proud of you.
No, my baby girl.
Lord Viren, fancy seeing you here.
Where are you going? This is a special day.
You're so close now.
We are finally on the cusp of each other's realities.
The cusp?
What have you done?
- You've trapped me with you. - No.
I've merely borrowed your consciousness for a few moments.
You are my guest.
I do not want to be here.
My freedom is so close, I can taste it.
I sense Claudia approaching.
Others are near as well...
but no matter, your daughter is far more powerful.
As to the matter of your mortal existence,
you cut it rather close, coming in on the 30th day,
just a few hours left before your life expires.
Don't worry.
Making your resurrection permanent won't be a problem.
It's one of the old spells...
Infantis Sanguine
Named for the one necessary ingredient.
The blood...
of your child.
What? The blood of my child?
You can't expect to wield such powerful life and death magic
without some sacrifice.
Prince Callum, King Ezran,
what a funny place to run into each other.
I know that face, Callum. It's the judgy face.
You think I've done some awful things and I have.
But I'm not evil. It's me.
You know me.
I'm still the same person...
I am.
Ezran, I know you understand.
You always do.
Everything I'm doing, it's for my family.
It's to save my dad.
Wouldn't you both do the same if you had a chance to save King Harrow?
To bring back your dad? I would even help you.
I don't understand. Where is it? The prison should be here.
You know, don't you?
Tell me everything you know, little king, or I'll squeeze it out of you.
I am not a monster.
I would never sacrifice my child!
I wouldn't expect you to harm Claudia or Soren.
You will sacrifice your other child.
My other...
but I don't have a...?
But you do.
- What, who? - Our child.
Our baby was so cute.
And he's grown into quite the strapping young homunculus.
Are you telling me you can't see the resemblance?
He has my lovely eyes.
I'm afraid his voice must be from your side of the family.
Now he's here for you.
And I will show you how to use every drop of his living essence
to restore your own life and your future.
The resurrection spell will expire tonight, and you will die.
You must make the sacrifice.
If you don't, tomorrow, the sun will rise...
and you will not.
I won't do it.
I finally see the truth.
I find myself here at these horrifying crossroads
because I have followed a dark path.
And worst of all, I have led my beloved daughter down this path.
No more dark magic, never again!
I am done with it.
And I am done with you!
Tell me! Where is Aaravos?
I'll destroy all of you if I have to!
Where is Aaravos?
Where's my potion?
Give it back!
Queen Janai has returned.
We're back. I thought you'd be happy to see us.
Is something wrong?
Queen Janai...
you have been betrayed.
I thought...
- I thought you had abandoned me. - Never.
Whatever appearances might have been, my loyalty has never wavered.
Your loyalty?
My love.
I've brought you something.
The sun seed.
And there's something else.
I've brought you an army.
Be still.
♪ Do you know the Mushroom Mage? ♪
♪ The Mushroom Mage The Mushroom Mage ♪
♪ Do you know the Mushroom Mage Who lives on Fungi Lane? ♪
♪ That's me! ♪
You're just like your grandmother.
Would you like to know the truth of her fate
before you face yours?
I swallowed her.
Tomorrow the sun will rise.
And you will not.